Berthon UK
(Lymington, Hampshire - UK)
Sue Grant
0044 (0)1590 679 222
Berthon Scandinavia
(Henån, Sweden)
Magnus Kullberg
0046 304 694 000
Berthon Spain
(Palma de Mallorca, Spain)
Simon Turner
0034 639 701 234
Berthon USA
(Rhode Island, USA)
Jennifer Stewart
001 401 846 8404
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Welcome to Berthon’s latest Collection, showcasing a range of international listings currently available for sale, as well as other motor yachts, sailing yachts, and performance yachts.
The Berthon Sales Group currently has 4 offices spanning 2 continents offering a common service and a commitment to provide the best possible yacht sales service. We recognise that the voyage to excellence is never ending, but our commitment to this goal is total. We are a closely knit team throughout the business and regard ourselves as a yachting family. So wherever in the world you yacht, contact our local office to discuss buying or selling, you are dealing with Team Berthon.