Berthon UK
(Lymington, Hampshire - UK)
Sue Grant
0044 (0)1590 679 222
Berthon Scandinavia
(Henån, Sweden)
Magnus Kullberg
0046 304 694 000
Berthon Spain
(Palma de Mallorca, Spain)
Simon Turner
0034 639 701 234
Berthon USA
(Rhode Island, USA)
Jennifer Stewart
001 401 846 8404
The Najad 460 is an immensely capable and comfortable bluewater cruiser. LYRA is a great example, now in her second ownership. We know the yacht well, having sold her to the current owners. Originally based in Lymington, LYRA sailed to the Mediterranean in her current 4th ownership and has, in recent years, cruised with family and friends. She has been consistently updated along the way, as a glance through the particulars below will testify. On deck, the yacht features an easily managed sail plan that can be handled safely from the cockpit. Below deck, she embodies everything one would expect from a high-quality Swedish yard: a beautifully crafted satin mahogany finish throughout and a very high degree of creature comfort.
We bought LYRA in the Autumn of 2012 with the intention of enjoying our retirement and fulfilling a long-held ambition to cruise. She underwent a mini refit at Berthon over the following winter.
In early May 2013, we set off along to South Coast of England to Falmouth and from there crossed Biscay to La Coruña. This was our first prolonged offshore voyage and LYRA was perfect, riding a 20 plus knot Easterly wind with ease and making the crossing at an average speed of 8 knots.
We spent that summer exploring the Spanish Rias before overwintering in Lagos, Portugal and in the years that followed we explored Mediterranean Spain, France, and Italy before basing ourselves in Marina di Stabia, near Naples in Italy.
Mostly it was my wife and I on board, but our family joined us for short periods each summer taking our number to six. LYRA was comfortable, safe, and easy to sail throughout and looked after us through weather fair and foul. She is a handsome boat and drew compliments wherever we went.
Now time has caught up with us and we have decided to sell. She shared our dream with us. We will miss her.
Alan McIlroy
Berthon UK
Tel: +44 (0)1590 679 222
Click image for full broker profile.
Berthon UK
(Lymington, Hampshire - UK)
Sue Grant
0044 (0)1590 679 222
Berthon Scandinavia
(Henån, Sweden)
Magnus Kullberg
0046 304 694 000
Berthon Spain
(Palma de Mallorca, Spain)
Simon Turner
0034 639 701 234
Berthon USA
(Rhode Island, USA)
Jennifer Stewart
001 401 846 8404