Berthon UK
(Lymington, Hampshire - UK)
Sue Grant
0044 (0)1590 679 222
Berthon Scandinavia
(Henån, Sweden)
Magnus Kullberg
0046 304 694 000
Berthon Spain
(Palma de Mallorca, Spain)
Simon Turner
0034 639 701 234
Berthon USA
(Rhode Island, USA)
Jennifer Stewart
001 401 846 8404
We are privileged to introduce this exceptional vessel to the market.
SIENA has enjoyed a varied and fascinating life. She is believed to have been built at the Penn-Jersey Shipyard in Maine, US, in 1932 – so she is likely a spritely 90 years of age. Originally named MOJA, she was used for a little illicit rum running between Cuba and Florida during Prohibition, assisted by her low draft, sea-sure destroyer forward sections and that rakish plumb bow, and original twin Chrysler petrols; she was arrested by the US CG, and so begins another chapter that saw her shipped to our shores…
Under Lend/Lease at the outbreak of WWII, she was transported from the US for the MOD, and was stationed at a covert commando training base (No.1 Combined Training Centre) at Inveraray on Loch Fyne in Scotland. She was based here from 1942 until the end of the conflict and after the war was purchased by Commander Campbell, RN, who had commanded her during naval exercises, and then embarked on a refit. Sadly, Commander Campbell never saw her complete as he passed away before she left the yard. John Thaw of the Royal Scottish Motor Yacht Club bought her, and cruised her about the Scottish and Irish coasts until 1963, when she was passed on to a syndicate headed by Andrew Ritchie. This gentleman, who it is believed berthed her in Scotland, set about changing her interior to allow six berths forward in lieu of the saloon and crew quarters, and re-making the galley/deckhouse bulkhead to open up her accommodation. During his tenure, her engines were renewed – with twin Mermaid 6-cylinder diesels at 125Hp apiece, and more improvements made. MOJA then headed South.
In the new ownership of Barry Willis, she had new decks fitted, and then moved to the River Avon near Bristol, where she stayed until 1987. Jim Johnson then bought her and headed south, crossing the Bay of Biscay twice to and from the Mediterranean, on an extended cruise, pitching up in Marbella during 1991, and moving her back across the Channel to the UK, and into new hands – those of Keith and Janet Cockell. With the harsh Mediterranean sun having taken its toll, her decks were replaced by Freebody’s of Maidenhead, with a period of extensive works during the next five years being undertaken, including the installation of a new, lush mahogany interior and restoration of her brasswork. At the end of their ownership, she passed into the care of her last owner – who ran her on the Thames and employed Colin Messer of Old Windsor to maintain her – including new mahogany skinning to her cabin sides, addition of the upper exterior helm position and fitting of a useful bow-thruster. As you can see, she has been in continual use and has been continually maintained. However, the current chapter led to MOJA becoming SIENA, and a further extensive renovation being undertaken by her present owner, under a carefully managed refit at Dennetts Boatbuilders in Chertsey.
These recent works passed through 2021, ending in Spring 2022, and include:
During the Summer of 2023 she came ashore, was surveyed, and then had the following improvements carried out by a classic timber specialist and his team of shipwrights:
Remedial Actions:
In essence, therefore, one could say she is fairly sorted.
Offering far greater interior volume than the average Dunkirk Little Ship, she is immaculately presented by a truly fastidious perfectionist. On delivery from the Thames to Northney, her diesels thrust her along at a maximum cruising speed of 13 knots. Under way, she is very quiet indeed, and she is so very comfortable, with minimal vibration, and a very good turn of speed from her new Nanni diesels and drive-train. In a sea-way, her roll is kept modest due to her new bilge keels and aft underwater section, and her upright stem and fine forward sections allow her to drive into and through broken water, with hardly any water taken on deck. Her powerful bow-thruster ensures that she is high manoeuvrable even in confined spaces, and either at anchor, or alongside, her long mahogany wheelhouse is just perfect for entertaining – with sliding doors and windows to keep the breeze moving, in a highly relaxing atmosphere.
She is therefore no museum piece. She is fully up to speed in terms of navigational kit and machinery, with modern ventilation and climate control, yet she offers things that cannot be bought.
She is important. She is wholly unique. She is devastatingly pretty. Yet she can transport you, your family and your friends, to somewhere completely other.
And we challenge you to find anyone who, at first sight, does not fall deeply in love with her.
A lovely classic Yacht with a great history, Siena has proved to be very seaworthy and is perfectly ready for any adventure. She is luxuriously comfortable and having owned many Yachts of all sizes, I can honestly say that she is one of the most enjoyable. Her condition is exemplary and she certainly turns heads!
Hugh Rayner
Berthon UK
Tel: +44 (0)1590 679 222
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Berthon UK
(Lymington, Hampshire - UK)
Sue Grant
0044 (0)1590 679 222
Berthon Scandinavia
(Henån, Sweden)
Magnus Kullberg
0046 304 694 000
Berthon Spain
(Palma de Mallorca, Spain)
Simon Turner
0034 639 701 234
Berthon USA
(Rhode Island, USA)
Jennifer Stewart
001 401 846 8404